

An electrical ballast is a device placed in series with a load to limit the amount of current in an electrical circuit.

They are used in lighting to limit the current through the bulb, which would otherwise rise to a destructive level due to the bulbs's voltage-current characteristic.

Maxibright Compact pro power pack 600w

Maxibright Compact pro power pack 600w

Maxibright Compact ballasts have been the most popular choice of ballast used in the UK for many yea..


Maxibright ipac pro power pack 600w

Maxibright ipac pro power pack 600w

The Maxibright iPac ballast range from UK manufacturer Maxigrow, builds on the success of the Maxibr..


Lighting Ballast 250W

Lighting Ballast 250W

This product operates your lighting in an effective and low hassle way...


Lighting Ballast 400W

Lighting Ballast 400W

This product operates your lighting in an effective and low hassle way...


Lighting Ballast 1000W

Lighting Ballast 1000W

This product operates your lighting in an effective and low hassle way...


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